Happy Easter Easter and spring go together like: Peas and carrots and Forrest Gump and Jenny Freshness, new beginnings, longer daylight hours, generating new possibilities! Yet this spring, a pervasive fear has surrounded and permeated humanity. This is a global...
Checking in to see how you are
I was thinking about you, and all of my clients the other day and I hope you are doing as well as possible. I wanted to reach out and make sure that everything is okay with you. While chances are good that you are not ill, the likelihood is you are worried about the...
This Valentine’s Day Gaze Into Your Beloved Eyes
Do you know about The Marriage Effect? Martin Seligman author of Authentic Happiness states, “Marriage is robustly related to happiness.” Scientific research proves that one of the best ways to have a long, happy, healthy life, is to be in a good marriage! February!...
What I Said On CityNews February, 2020
Here's what I said on City News February, 2020 We were having a conversation around happiness and love and romance! Apparently Fort McMurray has won the title for the most romantic city based on their purchase of books and assorted romantic items. As a happiness...
What Makes People Happy?
The New Year is off and running, the question is, is it running off without you?
Have you been left behind?
While time races forward.
New Year SAME frustrated, impatient, stressed out, possibly anxious, shall I add busy? YOU!
Successful Mind Power
The mind is a very powerful tool. Who is in charge of your mind? Or does your mind have a mind of its own?
Stress and Happiness
Can you increase happiness in order to banish stress?Â
Recipe for Happy & Healthy Relationships
Create some joy every day with this four-step recipe.
Paradigms: How Your Mindset Can Prevent You from Reaching Your Full Potential
To prosper is to thrive; it’s a lot more fun to thrive than to just survive!
“NO!” is a Complete Sentence
Stop in the name of Love! You are important, you are good enough and you do deserve more happiness and joy.Â
To help you become more and more like the person in your imagination, practice often by closing your eyes and seeing yourself in the imagined picture with your desire.
The Weight of Stress
As a happiness expert, I know how detrimental negative and stressful emotions can be, but did you know that stress could also lead to overeating and unhealthy food choices? Our metabolic health and storage of fat are linked to our food cravings and choices. Chronic,...
Happiness is a Good Night’s Sleep
How can we start to achieve the good night’s sleep we deserve?
Falling in Love – with Yourself
This fall, falling in love with yourself, make it your intention to find, express, use, and create more of your best quirks or idiosyncrasies.
Girlfriend. Really?
“Where were we coming from?” We nervously answered feeling as though we had done something wrong.
Attitude is Everything
With a change in your attitude you can change your life! In my Principles of Prosperity seminar, I talk about attitudes and how they contribute to your overall experience of life.Â
Inspired Living
The word entheos is the root word for enthusiasm and means “in spirit”. When we are filled with a spark of enthusiasm, we are literally filled with our true essence and this is why we feel so alive and energetic. I urge you to make a list right now of things that make your heart flutter. What makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning?
Renovation Happiness 101: When you make reno plans, life gets in the way.
What I have learned and why you want to listen. Let me back up to November… We are renovating the kitchen, and getting new floors in the basement family room and bedroom. It’s an exciting, busy, messy, hectic, workmen and noise, loud and chaotic, did I mention...