by Elizabeth | Feb 14, 2020 | Happily Married, Outrageously Happy
Do you know about The Marriage Effect? Martin Seligman author of Authentic Happiness states, “Marriage is robustly related to happiness.” Scientific research proves that one of the best ways to have a long, happy, healthy life, is to be in a good marriage! February!...
by Elizabeth | Feb 10, 2020 | Happily Married, Outrageously Happy
Here’s what I said on City News February, 2020 We were having a conversation around happiness and love and romance! Apparently Fort McMurray has won the title for the most romantic city based on their purchase of books and assorted romantic items. As a happiness...
by Elizabeth | Nov 11, 2019 | Happily Married, Outrageously Happy
Create some joy every day with this four-step recipe: Step one: Open your eyes in the morning and be grateful that you are alive for another day! Before you get out of bed, set your intention to have a lovely day, breathe into your heart and feel love for yourself and...
by Elizabeth | Sep 2, 2019 | Happily Married, Outrageously Happy
The word entheos is the root word for enthusiasm and means “in spirit”. When we are filled with a spark of enthusiasm, we are literally filled with our true essence and this is why we feel so alive and energetic. I urge you to make a list right now of things that make...
by Elizabeth | Feb 26, 2019 | Happily Married, Outrageously Happy
What I have learned and why you want to listen. Let me back up to November… We are renovating the kitchen, and getting new floors in the basement family room and bedroom. It’s an exciting, busy, messy, hectic, workmen and noise, loud and chaotic, did I mention...
by Elizabeth | Aug 13, 2018 | Happily Married
When grief is new, photographs can create significant pain. Looking at a picture of a deceased loved one may cause a flood of tears, triggering the feelings of loss and devastation. If you have experienced a recent loss, as a grief therapist, I encourage you to put...