by Elizabeth | Sep 8, 2019 | Outrageously Happy
With a change in your attitude you can change your life! In my Principles of Prosperity seminar, I talk about attitudes and how they contribute to your overall experience of life. The bottom line is that our success or failure begins and ends with our attitudes about...
by Elizabeth | Sep 2, 2019 | Happily Married, Outrageously Happy
The word entheos is the root word for enthusiasm and means “in spirit”. When we are filled with a spark of enthusiasm, we are literally filled with our true essence and this is why we feel so alive and energetic. I urge you to make a list right now of things that make...
by Elizabeth | Feb 26, 2019 | Happily Married, Outrageously Happy
What I have learned and why you want to listen. Let me back up to November… We are renovating the kitchen, and getting new floors in the basement family room and bedroom. It’s an exciting, busy, messy, hectic, workmen and noise, loud and chaotic, did I mention...
by Elizabeth | Dec 3, 2018 | Outrageously Happy
I am so blessed with wonderful clients that fly me to beautiful places (like Penticton) to share happiness tools and develop better business practices! Whenever I am in a new place, I always go exploring to see what I can discover. And it just so happened that I...
by Elizabeth | Nov 26, 2018 | Outrageously Happy
I often take my own advice to get out and go for walk, especially as close to nature as possible. I feel very fortunate to walk by the river and enjoy the beauty that surrounds me. In my opinion, we must pause for at least a few moments during the day and genuinely...