This fall, how about trying something new?
We have all heard the expression, falling in love, mostly referring to another person.
But what about yourself? Can you fall in love with yourself?
When in lovewe usually offer kind words, acts of service, and behave generously.
Let’s look at how you currently treat yourself on a daily basis.
Waking up in the morning are your thoughts something like this?
- My thighs are too big.
- I hate this belly fat; I hate my body.
- I’m such a blob.
These words can start feeling like a constant internal battering. “Psycho bitch” is on the loose inside your brain. If you spoke to your friends the same way you speak to yourself, you would not have any friends left. Additionally you would not likely allow anyone else to speak to you in such an unloving way, so why then do it to yourself?
If you claim to love another, you must see qualities or characteristics in them that are loving or lovable. What are YOUR most valuable qualities? Take some time right now to write down your best gifts, talents, or traits. When you have this list complete keep it in a prominent or easy to access place so you can affirm yourself in a productive and kind way.
Have you ever taken yourself out on a date? Have you considered taking an afternoon off and going to the art gallery? Taking a few hours to stroll through an exhibit that you are interested in seeing or taking a tour can be very rewarding. Spending a few hours reconnecting with your own interests and moving at your own pace can serve to remind yourself of who you are and what is important to you.
This fall, falling in love with yourself, make it your intention to find, express, use, and create more of your best quirks or idiosyncrasies.