by Elizabeth | Mar 26, 2018 | Outrageously Happy
Social media is here to stay and it can be a helpful tool in many ways. I love being able to connect with my cousins and friends more easily and effortlessly. I love knowing what’s happening in people’s lives even if I don’t speak to them as often. I love taking a few...
by Elizabeth | Mar 19, 2018 | Outrageously Happy
Dendrites are little branch structures that live on your neurons in the brain; think of them like little roots that receive neural information. They can help us grow new neural pathways and keep our brains operating effectively. Fun Fact: The word dendrite has come...
by Elizabeth | Mar 10, 2018 | Outrageously Happy
The weekend is over. Back to the daily grind and slogging it out for another five days. For many, this is a repetitious pattern resulting in Monday morning dread. Sometimes anxiousness can creep in on Sunday night when you are thinking about Monday morning. According...
by Elizabeth | Mar 4, 2018 | Happily Married
I discovered some amazing things while researching and becoming a happiness expert. Some things are so impactful that you might call them happiness boosters. Being in a healthy relationship is one of them. Research demonstrates that physical affection between loving...